Practical Exam Registration

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Applicant's Information

Applicant's Company Information

Applicant's Supervisor


Practical Exam Options

I hereby apply for the following WACEL practical exam(s):


Applicant's Education Information

A separate resume may be submitted in lieu of completing the following items requesting your educational background and experience in the sections below, providing your resume is sufficiently detailed. To evaluate your application WACEL needs to know specifics. In the case of experience, for example, describe exactly the tasks with which you were involved (e.g. "conducted slump tests and made cylinders in the field) and the degree you were (or are) personally responsible for the work.

I prefer to upload my resume Yes         No


Upload file here

If not uploading a resume file then please complete the sections below.


Name Of School Location Years Attended Degree/Diploma Received


In sequential order, detail the name and address of your employer, your title, name and title of your immediate supervisor and description of duties (be factual and specific).

Enter up to 3 references below
Employment Dates :
Position/Title :
Supervisor's Name :
Supervisor's Title :
Duties :
Employment Dates :
Position/Title :
Supervisor's Name :
Supervisor's Title :
Duties :
Employment Dates :
Position/Title :
Supervisor's Name :
Supervisor's Title :
Duties :


Certificate of Endorsement

Please provide the contact information for the person that will sign a Certificate of Endorsement to approve/validate your skills, experience and knowledge to enroll in WACEL certification programs.

Enter up to 2 Endorsers below
Endorser's Name
Endorser's Email
Endorser's Phone
Endorser's Name
Endorser's Email
Endorser's Phone